Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ode to Winterim

In many respects, today was yet another wasted day. I was gone from 8:00 until now, 5:00, with the exception of a shower at 10:00. So, where did the day go? Basketball game, Winterim presentations, and grocery shopping. Even though it was rough, with all the kids (-) Dave, at Maeser for Winterim for the bulk of the day, I have to tell you what an absolute fan I am of the Winterim concept. What a great opportunity for kids to have 3 weeks each year to devote to a special interest, career training, or trying something they wouldn't normally do. Here are some of the projects:

Humanitarian service in Peru/ or Mexico
Learning about Navajo language and culture
Learning to be a Vet
Learning to be a Piano technician
Learning about the holocaust and other atrocities
Ballroom dance
"School of Rock"
Death March--Computer programming on a deadline
Scuba diving
Set design and other aspects of drama
College life
Independent Science Projects
Japanese Language and culture
Kenpo Karate
Digital Photography
Vocal training
Cake decorating
Fashion design
and of course, the BEST: Winter Sports, Survivial, and Service!!

I can't tell you how pleased I was with this course for Keaton. It was so much more than skiing. He learned to be more independent. He learned to service those with disabilities. He learned to SNOWBOARD! and cross country ski. And, he learned to crop and enhance digital photographs to put together a great slideshow, which he got and A on. Yes, I'm very pleased. We're hoping to do a humanitarian trip to an Indian Leper Colony next year. Any one else want to go? Either that or Surfing, Service and Protecting our Oceans!

Obviously, I did not get in any exercise today :( but I haven't had time to eat much, and I "just said no" to the bake sale. Mainly because all McKay ate yesterday was 3 donuts, 3 cups of hot chocolate and a bag of yogurt pretzels. All while turning his nose up at the creamy potato/sweet potato soup. Go figure.

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