Monday, January 17, 2011

Finally, starting the New Year!

Well, it may be January 17 already, but I feel like I am finally ready to start the new year. Not only did Keaton not go back to regular school on January 4th because of Winterim, but my other kids didn't go back because their school flooded over the break, and they were still repairing the damage. So, although I did manage to exercise 4 times last week, I spent most of the week reorganizing the house, and doing some projects in the kids rooms. Then, of course, today was a holiday, when we were supposed to go skiing at Park City, but didn't because it was so warm and had been raining so much we figured the snow would be a mess. So, tomorrow, we'll start the diet, exercise, and generally get back on track for the new year. I've been reading a book for the last few days, a Chicken Soup for the Soul book called My Resolutions. I've never read a Chicken Soup book before because I've always considered them fluff for the American masses, and I wouldn't call it life changing, but it is interesting. Now I'm going to go to bed and read an article I printed out by Christian author Donald Miller, called Living a Good Story, an Alternative to New Year's Resolutions. I'll let you know how it goes.

I'll have to get up early tomorrow. We've decided to move scripture reading to 6:15 am. This is about the 10th time we've made that decision, and we just can't get ourselves up, let alone the kids. Have you ever heard beginning readers read the scriptures? Now try that when they are half asleep. But, night time is just too inconsistent, so to the mornings it goes. I also have to make lunches. I was so tired of the junk they got at school for lunch, literally candy from the snack shack, that I finally bought an assortment of lunch boxes, mostly bento style like laptop lunch boxes, a cute little stacked box by yoo'ee, and a couple of lunch bots. So, tried them out last week, and they were very excited about. Makenzie says all her friends raved about the yoo'ee box, but of course McKay only ate the "treats" out of his lunch. One day he didn't even open the container with the pepperoni and cheese in it because the pictures of vegetables on the lid scared him off. As he said, "I didn't want the veggies". He always wants me to pack a popcorn/pretzel mixture, because that was what the picture on the package showed. Think like a kid, I guess. I'll try to post photos of the lunch boxes (or anything else for that matter) after I figure out how to do it.

1 comment:

  1. I too, have started making my kids' lunches again on a regular basis. I did for a while when they first started school, then life with two more kids made me drop it as a priority till now. I really want to buy some fun lunch boxes like you did. The one I've been coveting for a while is a PlanetBox one but I can't stomach the $50 price tag... I'm sticking with what we've already got. ;)
