Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fighting with Discouragement

Monday was a fun day, I guess. Carson, Makenzie and McKay had the day off school, so I took them skiing at Park City. Dave was supposed to, when he scheduled the lesson, but he decided to go to work, so I had to take them myself. It was a 9-3 lesson, so I went skiing myself, too. The Park City ski resort is one of my favorites, but I have to admit, I did not have a fun day. First, I was by myself; second, it was really windy up on top; third, I was feeling nauseated all day for some reason. So, I skied a few runs, sat in the lodge, skied a few, had lunch. Lunch was good, though. The Café had a really nice salad bar, and a good bison chili. I still felt sick, though. When I went to pick up the kids, they begged me to keep skiing with them, and take them up Payday. I wouldn't, because I was tired and it was really starting to blow and snow. By the time I got Makenzie's boots off, her eyes were glazed over. Walking out to the car, I noticed that she was literally walking asleep. So I took her hand and led her to the car. She slept from 4:00 until after 8:00 the next morning.

On Tuesday, we had piano class. Everyone seemed like they were doing so much better than my kids. They sure knew the CD songs better, because we never have time to listen to it. I left feeling like we really needed to spend a lot more time on piano every day. Then, I got a letter from Makenzie's reading teacher, saying how behind she was on her reading, and outlining all the reading activities I needed to start doing with her everyday. Altogether, it was very discouraging.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you had such a discouraging day. It's hard when we try so hard to get everything done and it seems like we aren't making progress. I guess we just do the best we can. I hope you are able to find the time to do those things that are the most important for you and your family.
